Friday, April 9, 2010


In class today we wrote a response to another class Nings. This is a website that is similar to blogging. The other class had an assignment to choose an article and describe the article in their own words. Then I was assigned to comment on their description of the article. There were two people that I responded to.
First there was Reynaldo. Reynaldo choose an article that figured a man and woman. He viewed the article as if it was based on domestic violence, which I felt to be a sensitive topic for a male to address, however he did a good job doing it. I felt that he had a great interruption of the article. It’s also a good written reaction to the article. It had few mistakes. He was able to write it clean, where it was easy for the reader to get through. I feel like he will be a good writer, because he made it is easy to view the picture in his way. The article was also a good choice to write about. I liked the way the article appears gray. Also the fact that the male and female were attractive, because that show that can happen to anyone.
Secondly was Giselle, she chooses an article about dolls. She compared it to everyday women. I think she selected a good article. It was different from her other classmates. I like the way she describe the article. It was just a little problem with the grammar, and I told her that she is fond of the word seem. However to me it seems that she did well on the assignment. I liked the way she discusses the outfit they had on. She said that these dolls were dresses as working woman, and they were from head to toe. They were Barbie dolls, and you know as a little girl we all looked up to Barbie. Barbie had everything.
This assignment was fun to interact with another class, and to see other student’s ideas. I hope that they like it to. I also hope they take the feedback and improve on whatever it may be they have to improve on.

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