Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog 7/ My reflections

So far I really enjoy my experience in the cluster. I believe that I'm learning a lot about the media and a lot about technology. Time is going by so fast. I really feel like as if I were playing catch up. I feel that at times I feel a bit challenged. I know that I'm capable to work much harder than I have been. It has been a little difficult to get in the swing of things, but I will. In the class we are learning a lot about media and I'm amazed with what I have learned. The blog makes the class more fun, and it allows us as a group to communicate with one other. We also have this kind of interaction in Professor Lucca's class, through the dashboard on blackboard 8. In Dr. Rheuban's class we are being exposed to movies that I wouldn't have normally seen. It is a course that is teaching me the value of film making. Now as for class as a whole, we began to develop friendships. That's another form of support we have. From what I have been exposed to so far, I believe this will be the semester that I will discover who I am as student. Part of me is excited about this discovery, and the other part is scared as hell.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog 5

Let me start of by saying that the time is going by so fast. It is amazing that it is that it is about to be a month into this semester and it feels like I’m already begin to play catch up. In our cluster we have three professors Dr. Smith, Louis Lucca, and Dr. Rheuban. I’m going to start off with Dr Smith class we have blogs that are doe after each class and we have a blog cycle where Dr. Smith reviews our blogs. We also have to post comments on our fellow class mate’s blogs. Each blogs that we right eventually leads up to a big essay that will be graded pass or fail. We also will have Quiz after each reading. That will determine that we actually read the readings that have been assigned to us. Also we will be going on class trips together. I think that’s fun. One the things that I enjoyed about Middle school were the trips. The only thing that is missing is the big yellow school bus. Now for professor Lucca’s class we have a homework that is posted on blackboard. It is due every Sunday at 11:00pm, and also we have to respond to our class by that time as well. Since school has started I have told myself I want this assignment to be complete by Wednesday, however the way things are going, I’m lucky to get it accomplish by Saturday. I’m a survivor so I’m confident I will get in the swing of things. For Dr. Rheuban class we have our first writing assignment that is due on March 23. Our first test is on April 6, which is right after Spring break. The next test after that is on April 27. She also told us that it is no changes in the dates. Before each we are assigned a reading which is like a preview of the class.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog 4 "what's the Truman Syndrome"

The "Truman Sydrome" is a disorder that some people have where they have a idea that they are stars of their real life reality show.They are under the impression that they are being watch all the time. The developed the name for this mental disorder after the 1998 movie "The Truman Show", where the funny Jim Carey plays the character of Truman. The character is unaware that his on a television. It is a little different then the people that think they are. Actually some people had this disorder way before they had a name to label it. You can image that people faced with this problem find it very diffcult to go in the outside world. That is when this illness can become dangerous for them and for the public as well.These people can also feel like the goverment is watching them,they may even think that everybody is literally out to get them. Some indiviuals may feel that they are being setup for failer.
There is not much treatment for this illness,because the doctors are really not aware on how the brain is working when the delusions are occuring.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog 3

In class we watched a movie called the Truman show. Jim Carey plays Truman, a man that is a star of a reality show. The only catch is that he is not aware that he's staring in the show. He has been the star of this show through birth. Truman family are actors that are hire to play his mother and father. His whole entire life is a lie. He is confided to a place called seahaven. A man named Christof is the person that is keeping Truman enslave for all those years. But if you ask Christof he will claim that he’s doing this for Truman good, however his not. Christof is playing God with Truman’s life.

There was one person ,out of the entire cast of this reality show that felt guilty and sadden by what was taking place to Truman. This character name in the movie was Sylvia. She was cast to be a possible love interest to Truman, and she played the role well. Truman had a instinct attraction to this woman. There was a scene in the movie where Truman was dancing with his wife, however looking at Sylvia the entire time. Christof felt that this woman may develop into a problem for the entire show,that's when he eventually cast her off. Before she left she decide to tell Truman what was taking place, the fact that his entire life was a lye. That nothing is true. Like for example in Socrates story the Allegory of the Cave. When the prisoner broke free,and he came back to tell the others. They didn’t want to believe the fact that they have been imprison all of these years, just like Truman was. So a few years have pass then Truman began to question many aspects of his life.One key point is when he was in his car and the radio was telling his every move.Right then he know something was up.But the real reveration came to him when he faced one of his biggest fears, by going on the sea search of a new world.When Truman came to face with that brick wall he knew it was it.That was the first same time he heard Christof. The man that kept him in bondage his entire life. However Christof felt as if he didn't do any wrong. He spoke to Truman as he was his son.He told him that here you are safe,and protected from the outside world,and for his entire life he had brought so much happiness to the viewers.Then Truman was faced with the choice of staying seahaven and leaving.Truman made the best possible choice ,which was to break free from the chains, and live the life he was suppose to live. The one that was meant for him, not scipted for him.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog 2

In Plato's Allergory of the cave he protades people as prisoners. These people are in chains from head to toe. They are down in a cave where they don't receive any light from the outside. The only images that they see, is the shadows that are being provide to them from thhe people that keeping them inslaved.There's a fire place behind them to help the shadows to be seen. These prisoners are not aware of their bondoge ,to them this is the reality.Prisoners who have been in this predictment sent birth, so this is what they know. One day a prisoner's is let free. At first he doesn't know what's going on, and his scaried as hell and don't know what to do. Now his outside, first the sun light begans to blind him . Right at that moment he gets the reveration that he was enslave all of his life. Then he desides to go back and tell the other prisoners. When he goes and tells them,they dont believe him. They think that his out of his mind, and even he begins to appear creepy to them.This allegory to me is the story behind the Christian religion. For instance how christan believe that we are in darkness here on earth and our light is God. When Christians find themselves within Christ they want to go back and tell the others about their experience, for they can began to break free from the chains. However they have to want to break free themselves.You can bring a person to the water, but you can't drink it for them.
Another metaphor for this story is education. By gaining knowledge,we evenually escape from the chains. Our educators were imprisoners, they broke free and then they felt the desire to come back and give us the messages.And it is still our choice to listen. Do we want to be igonant? Can we just seattlle for the images that are shown on television,or do we actually want to know the truth.

Blog 1

I believe that I am a" cyborg ",this is a person that is addicted or dependent on any electronic devices. These devices consist of cellphones, computers, dvdplayer ,facebook, ipod, videogame systems, etc. All of these gargets have been very evident in society today. Some people can't even walk out their houses without their blackberry or ipod. To me these things have become a security blanket for some of us.
Like the media portrades that these are items that we really need,and everytime you turn around there is a new phone or device that being made. For instance like the kiddle, over a hundred books at the palm of your hand. I think it takes away from the essence of actually reading a book. Another example is the dvd player. That wasnt clear enough for some people,so then blueray was made. So when will enough be enough. As soon as you live the car dealership with your car it loses value, the same with the ipod; as soon as you leave the store it loses value, because apple will be coming out in the next couple of months with some new. It is almost impossile to keep up with the Jones.
As a consumer I feel sometimes overwhelm with all the new technology. Like things that I wouldn't normally do, is being thrown at me. For instance now all my homework has to be done on computer. This is a challenge to me, because this is not something that I would normally have to do, so it is like i'm out of my element. Now the public libraries are becoming technology friendly. When you are checking out your items, it's a computer doing this task for you. What about the elderly people that have no idea on how these machines operate. Is that fair to them?
Eventhrough there are some cons to these newer technology,there are also many people that can't picture their lives without it. They use this new technology to go shopping, buy movie tickets, network, listen to music, recieve their news, and even down to a pacemaker that is place in the heart to keep the heart beating. I mean some of these products are life saving. It is not all about having one device that can mutitask, it is about making differences in someone's everyday lives.
In conclusion I am a "cyborg", i'm sorry: it is something that i can't help. Can you?
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