Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog 7/ My reflections

So far I really enjoy my experience in the cluster. I believe that I'm learning a lot about the media and a lot about technology. Time is going by so fast. I really feel like as if I were playing catch up. I feel that at times I feel a bit challenged. I know that I'm capable to work much harder than I have been. It has been a little difficult to get in the swing of things, but I will. In the class we are learning a lot about media and I'm amazed with what I have learned. The blog makes the class more fun, and it allows us as a group to communicate with one other. We also have this kind of interaction in Professor Lucca's class, through the dashboard on blackboard 8. In Dr. Rheuban's class we are being exposed to movies that I wouldn't have normally seen. It is a course that is teaching me the value of film making. Now as for class as a whole, we began to develop friendships. That's another form of support we have. From what I have been exposed to so far, I believe this will be the semester that I will discover who I am as student. Part of me is excited about this discovery, and the other part is scared as hell.

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